Wide-bandgap GaN-based power devices have been regarded as the great potential candidates for the next generation efficient power electronics and compact power systems, owing to the superior material properties such as high electron mobility, large breakdown field strength and high thermal stability. This comprehensive analysis and optimization on the vertical GaN-based trench MOSFETs provide significant guide for vertical GaN-based high power applications. The device parameters, including n −-GaN drift layer, p-GaN channel layer and gate dielectric layer, are systematically designed for optimization. The mechanisms of on-state and breakdown are thoroughly studied using Silvaco TCAD physical model.

Based on the calibration with experiment, the simulation results of physical model are consistent well with the experiment data in transfer, output, and breakdown characteristic curves, which demonstrate the validity of the simulation data obtained by Silvaco technology computer aided design (Silvaco TCAD). High-quality and stable MOS interface is obtained through two-step process, including simple acid cleaning and a following (NH 4) 2S passivation. cm 2, breakdown voltage of 1306 V, and figure of merit of 0.88 GW/cm 2.In this work, a vertical gallium nitride (GaN)-based trench MOSFET on 4-inch free-standing GaN substrate is presented with threshold voltage of 3.15 V, specific on-resistance of 1.93 mΩ